Lake City Youth Softball Baseball Association

Frequently asked questions

Below you will find a list of things we are asked many times over. As new questions come in we will post them for future reference to make it easy for you to find what you need to know!

What color pants does my child need?

T-Ball: Gray baseball pants

Baseball: Gray baseball pants

Softball: Black softball pants

Do I need to order a new jersey?

T-Ball: A jersey at this level is optional and not required, you will receive a T Shirt for your player as part of the $50 fee.

Baseball: If your player has an orange jersey you will need to order a new one this year as the color has changed to slate grey due to discontinuation of the orange. If your black jersey from last year still fits then you do not need to order a new one.

Softball: Jerseys will stay the same this year, if it still fits your player you are good to go.


Do I need to buy a bat?

Buying a bat is not a required piece of equipment. But we do know the kids love to have their own. This can be quite the investment and there are rules in place that make some bats illegal. Please be sure to check the league rules as to bat limitations before purchasing one. 

What are the baseball bat rules for 2023?

Baseball Bats – The following pertains to the legality of bats in the 2023 Summer Season by age level

Any age can use BBCOR stamped bats.

Any age can use wood bats.

  • (8u) Bats must be 2 ¼”, 2 ½”, 2 5/8″, or 2 ¾” barrel diameter with unlimited weight differential and the USA or USSSA stamp.
  • (9u) Bats must be 2 ¼”, 2 ½”, 2 5/8″, or 2 ¾” barrel diameter with unlimited weight differential and the USA or USSSA stamp.
  • (10u) Bats must be 2 ¼”, 2 ½”, 2 5/8″, or 2 ¾” barrel diameter with unlimited weight differential and the USA or USSSA stamp.
  • (11u) Bats must be 2 ¼”, 2 ½”, 2 5/8″, or 2 ¾” barrel diameter with unlimited weight differential and the USA or USSSA stamp.
  • (12u) Bats must be 2 ¼” barrel diameter with unlimited weight differential and the USA or USSSA stamp OR 2 5/8″ or 2 ¾” With minus 10 or less weight differential and the USA or USSSA stamp.
  • (12u) Bats must be 2 ¼” barrel diameter with unlimited weight differential and the USA or USSSA stamp OR 2 5/8″ or 2 ¾” With minus 10 or less weight differential and the USA or USSSA stamp.
  • (15u) Bats must be 2 ¼”, 2 ½”, or 2 5/8″ with minus 3 weight differential and be BBCOR approved.