Boys ages 7-15 – starts in mid-late May – ends in mid-late July.
Most teams participate in The Zumbro Valley League which is based out of Southeastern Minnesota and features multiple age divisions. The league consists of 20+ associations and is broken out into regional divisions of 6-8 teams per division. Teams will play 12-14 game regular season schedule and a double-elimination post-season tournament.
Teams at the 8 and under level will compete in the Winona County Youth Baseball League which is a developmental league that utilizes a mechanical pitching arm to simulate live pitching. This league has other area towns in it that we will travel to (and they will travel here). Some of them may include Dover-Eyota, St. Charles, Chatfield, Lewiston, Altura, Rollingstone, Minnesota City, Goodview, and Ridgeway. This league sets the schedule and the nights that games are played. Typically, practices/games are held on Tuesdays or Thursdays, but there may be slight changes depending on field availability and coaches’ discretion. Game times are typically around 6:30 pm. We expect the first games to be the week of May 31st and the last games the end of July.
At all levels you can expect to have at least one game night per week, at least one practice night per week, but may be more than that when the season is in full swing, especially at the older levels. Each coach will get their schedule planned and communicated as soon as they have it. Coaches try to remain consistent each week with what nights are scheduled but may have to deviate based upon field availability and weather.
Each player will supply their own of the following items
New jerseys will be issued this year as the old style has been discontinued. The registration price includes the jersey. These will be nice button up jerseys with the new design. We will be having a jersey try on meeting February 23rd to ensure proper sizing, we will have all sizes available at the try on and orders will be placed at that time for jerseys.